Teeth Bleaching & Whitening

If you’d like to whiten your smile, we can apply oxygen-releasing chemicals to your teeth and whiten the teeth. Though results vary from patient to patient, virtually everyone enjoys some improvement from teeth bleaching.

What to Expect With Professional Tooth Bleaching in NYC

Zoom bleaching is one of the most popular in-office tooth whitening techniques.. While in-office bleaching is not generally a complicated process, it does require skill to prevent any risks or complications from arising, specifically injury to the gum area. When performed by a experienced dental team, the treatment will take about 90 minutes to complete.

Before beginning the whitening process, one of our team members will record the current shade of your teeth by taking “before” photographs. To keep the teeth dry and protect the gums, your mouth will be isolated with cotton roles and a rubber material. Retractors will also be used to keep your cheeks, lips, and tongue safely away from the bleaching solution. Next, the teeth are coated with a whitening solution on the front surface in a series of three or four 15 minute bleach applications. Finally, we will remove the protective barriers, apply a desensitizing solution and take “after” photographs to showcase the immediate improvement.

Other Teeth Bleaching Offerings

At DP5th, we offer a number of options to achieve a brighter smile:

Home Bleaching: If you’d rather bleach your teeth in the comfort of your home, we’ll customize a treatment that will help you whiten your teeth. We’ll start by taking molds of your teeth and creating thin shells of plastic that are custom-formed to your mouth for optimal comfort and coverage. Then, we’ll instruct you on how to apply a bleaching gel. Most patients will wear the trays for two 15 minute periods each day for a duration of one to two weeks. The trays can be reused as needed, and our office will supply you with additional bleach.

Combination Bleaching: Some patients starting with very dark teeth choose to “jump start” the whitening process with Zoom bleaching, then continue at home for a week or more with home bleaching.


Upon completion, we advise you avoid foods or beverages more likely to cause stains for at least 48hours. These include coffee, tea, tomatoes, mustard, beets, dark grapes, candy, and red wine. Smoking or tobacco of any kind is also recommended to avoid. In short, anything that would show up on a white shirt.

You may also experience tooth sensitivity following the tooth bleaching treatment. To manage this, be sure to follow all aftercare instructions from your dentist, try using a fluoride rinse or sensitivity toothpaste, and limit your intake of cold foods. You can also take a mild pain reliever before and/or after the treatment to reduce symptoms. Taking it before may even prevent symptoms from surfacing. The sensitivity generally will last no more than 48 hours.

Dental Partners of Fifth Avenue
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