Bonded Fillings

Dental bonding is a procedure to restore the natural shape of a tooth by using a color-matched composite resin that is the same appearance of the natural tooth. The process for bonded fillings in NYC is a very cost-effective way to restore the look of healthy teeth. This is particularly true in the cases of light decay or accidental damage.

When Should Bonded Fillings Be Considered?

While dental bonding is used to fix the appearance of chipped teeth or discolored teeth, the benefits are not solely cosmetic. Dental bonding is a treatment option that can be considered for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Restoring teeth with decay
  • Repairing teeth that have chipped or cracked
  • Improving the appearance of discolorations
  • Closing spaces between teeth
  • Changing the shape of teeth
  • Using as an alternative to silver fillings
  • Protecting a tooth’s root when gums recede

About the Bonding Procedure

Bonded filling procedures take approximately 30 to 60 minutes per tooth to complete. Here is what you can expect from the process:

Preparing the Filling: There is minimal drilling that is needed for bonded fillings. Anesthesia is not usually necessary for this treatment unless the bonding is used to fill a tooth that has decayed, needs to be drilled to change its shape, or has a chip that is near the nerve.

Bonding the Filling: In the next part of the process, the surface of the tooth will be roughened and a conditioning liquid is applied. These procedures help the bonding material better adhere to the tooth. Then, the tooth-colored resin is applied, molded, and shaped. A laser is then used to harden the putty-like material. Once the material is hardened, the dentist will make further adjustments to trim and shape the bonded tooth. Finally, the filling will be polished it to match the sheen of the rest of the tooth’s surface.

Benefits of Bonded Fillings

Dental bonding is one of the easiest and least expensive dental procedures that can treat a number of issues. In contrast to veneers and dental crowns, which are customized tooth coverings that are manufactured in a lab, bonding is often completed in one visit unless several teeth need repair. Additionally, the least amount of tooth enamel is removed during dental bonding compared to veneers and crowns.

Bonded Fillings Aftercare

Once the procedure is completed, teeth with bonded fillings do not require special care in your daily routine. While the tooth may be tender initially following the procedure, simply following good oral hygiene practices afterward is all you need to keep it healthy. This includes brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once daily, rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash once or twice a day, and seeing your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.

It is possible for the bonding material to chip, so be sure to avoid habits like biting fingernails, chewing on objects, or using your teeth as an opener. If you do notice any sharp edges on a bonded tooth or if your tooth feels odd when you bite, call our office to schedule an examination.

The lifespan of a bonded filling depends on the amount of bonding that was done and the quality of your oral health habits.

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