July 28, 2020

We hope that you are doing well and staying healthy in these turbulent times. As most of you know, we reopened our office in June and have undertaken great efforts to ensure our patient’s safety.

Our dental practice has long maintained the gold standard in disinfection and sterility and we routinely train our staff to exceed the standards set by the American Dental Association, Centers for Disease Control and New York State. Due to Covid-19 we have added medical grade HEPA air filtration systems in every room, plexiglass panels to our front desk, high volume intraoral suction in every operatory and are utilizing virus killing disinfectant fogger technology. We are taking extra time to thoroughly clean and disinfect each operatory between patients and our waiting room and restroom are frequently sanitized throughout the day. We are well stocked in PPE (personal protective equipment) and are continuously following advisory publications to ensure the highest level of cleanliness and safety.

We have also added special screening measures. Beginning with a personal phone call, Tania or Vickie will ask a few questions about your travel, health, symptoms, and the reason for your visit. Upon arrival your temperature will be taken and you will be asked to sign a COVID19 informed consent. Our entire staff will be wearing masks. The doctors, assistants and hygienists will all be wearing N95 masks, gloves, surgical gowns, hair covers and plastic visors.

We want your visit to be as seamless as possible with little or no waiting, so please arrive on time for your appointment (not early or late) and we will do our very best to run exactly on schedule. If you prefer to wait outside until we are ready, please make sure we have your cell phone number and we will call or text you when to come in. We ask that you wear a mask and gloves when you arrive; if you don’t have one or the other, we will gladly provide them for you. We will also request that you clean your hands and/or gloves with the hand sanitizer at the front desk upon entering and before leaving the office. If you require someone to accompany you to the office, please let us know in advance, but we may ask them to wait outside until you are finished. We are doing this to minimize contact in the waiting room and maintain social distancing.

Please ask us if you need anything and as always, your safety and comfort are our top priority.

We look forward to safely and confidently caring for you. Feel free to call the office to set up your next appointment or for any questions you may have.

Mark Gross, DDS

Andrew Kaplan, DMD MPH

Dental Partners of Fifth Avenue
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