Orofacial Pain

Orofacial pain is a group of conditions that cause persistent pain in the head and neck. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ) encompass one group of these disorders.  Another group of persistent pain is known as “neuropathic pain,” “atypical odontalgia,” “phantom tooth pain” and “atypical facial pain.” Patients may visit physicians and dentists and undergo diagnostic tests, blood work and imaging that are all normal. Worse, they may undergo well-meaning medical or dental treatments only to see their pain increase. Luckily, Dental Partners of Fifth Avenue focuses on orofacial pain relief in NYC.

Understanding Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pains are often the result of a damaged nerve that has failed to heal properly. This could occur after a root canal or other dental procedures. The damaged nerve persists in sending a pain message to the brain despite the physical appearance of normal healing. These pains can persist for months or years and, in some instances, can be lifelong, waxing and waning over time.

Orofacial Pain Relief in NYC

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you have a thorough evaluation before commencing any treatment. At DP5th, orofacial consultation includes a thorough history and comprehensive examination and analysis. We also take appropriate x-rays, cone beam CT scan and/or referral for MRI or medical CT and other testing and appropriate medical consultation. Once we’ve diagnosed the problem, we’ll put together a treatment plan for you. This may involve intraoral appliances, medications, pain management, physical therapy, behavioral intervention and only in the last resort, when appropriate, a referral for surgical procedures.

Dental Partners of Fifth Avenue
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