
Bad breath is embarrassing and often goes unnoticed until it is pointed out by a relative or friend. Here are some questions that we have been asked about halitosis.

TMJ is usually related to muscle tension, there are a number of jaw- relaxation exercises that people can do at home to relieve the pain. He shared several that may not only help soothe the discomfort but could in fact solve the problem if muscular...

Over the past few years, we have been treating many patients who snore. Some were referred by their spouses after many a sleepless night. We discovered after a thorough exam that some of these patients also had sleep apnea, which if left untreated can be...

Recently there was a New York Times article about the routine use of CAT scan x-rays in dental offices, and the increased radiation they emit. The article questioned the risk-reward benefits of using the CAT scan versus routine dental x-rays, digital x-rays or a Panorex x-ray....

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