Oral Hygiene

What is Preventive Dental Care Preventive dental care is key if you want to maintain a clean smile and healthy gums. Additionally, preventive care helps you save time, money and frustration down the road.  How?  Because preventive care ensures you’re practicing good oral hygiene to lessen your chances...

You’ve heard it before — don’t believe everything you read online. From trendy oral care to age-old myths, there’s an array of misinformation surrounding oral hygiene constantly circling the internet. Instead, let’s focus on the dental facts that matter and debunk the common myths and...

September is National Gum Care Month, but we should be taking care of our gums every day. Gum recession and gum disease are very common, though they are both easily preventable. Here’s how to take care of your gums and the best receding gum mouthwash...

Everyone wishes their teeth were just a little bit whiter, but few realize a baking soda teeth whitening rinse does the trick. Here’s all you need to know about at-home baking soda teeth whitening so you can achieve a crisp, white smile.  Before we talk about...

Not only does a good mouthwash freshen your breath, but it can also prevent plaque build-up and remove harsh bacteria from your mouth. Knowing which mouthwash is right for you can be tough, as different washes benefit your oral health in different ways. Here are...

70% of Americans brush their teeth two times a day, but only 40% floss once a day. It’s easy to forget about flossing until our 6-month dental check-up, but poor flossing habits can bring on some serious dental issues. How much should we be flossing...

World Environment Day is the biggest event for positive environmental action that takes place every year. Although this year’s theme focuses on air pollution, we can all chip in, change our lifestyles, and do our part for the betterment of the planet. Many fail to...

Although gum infection can lead to some serious side effects down the road, there are a number of home remedies to treat and prevent gum infection and gingivitis. What Causes a Gum Infection? Poor oral hygiene along with plaque, tartar, and bacteria are the most common...

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