Paying for your dental work

Paying for your dental work

Professional dental work is generally cost-effective, but it isn’t always cheap. Here are some things to keep in mind as you contemplate the cost of regular in-office cleanings and specialized procedures like dental implants:

  • Know your costs: Whenever you pay for dental treatment, you have a right to know approximately how much it will cost. If you are contemplating a complicated, expensive procedure, don’t hesitate to consult more than one dentist and inquire about alternative forms of treatment. But make sure you understand not only the potential costs of a procedure but also the treatment plans on which those costs are based.
  • Make the most of your dental insurance: Dental insurance may be supplied through group plans provided by employers, labor unions or other organizations. Few plans cover all dental expenses, so it’s important to understand the benefits that your specific plan provides. Your dentist’s front office staff can also help you negotiate with your insurer and maximize the coverage they provide.
  • Reduce costs with teaching clinics: If the cost of dental work will cause you financial hardship, you may be able to obtain less expensive treatment through a teaching clinic that’s affiliated with a university dental school or medical center. Treatment will be provided by dental residents or postgraduate students under the supervision of experienced professionals. Scheduling may be less convenient, but costs are usually well below the prevailing rates in your area.
  • Check to see if you qualify for low-cost treatment: Members of the armed forces and some federal workers can be treated in federal hospitals, while veterans can obtain dental and medical treatments through the VA health system. University employees and students may also enjoy reduced rates if their institutions have dental schools or departments.

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