DIY Teeth Whitening Using Fruit

DIY teeth whitening

DIY Teeth Whitening Using Fruit

DIY teeth whitening

Summer is a great time for fresh fruit. Not only is fruit delicious and good for your overall health, but it can be used to naturally whiten your teeth as well! Here are four fruits you can use for your next DIY teeth whitening project.


DIY teeth whitening

The vibrant red color may stain your clothing, but they do the opposite for you teeth. Strawberries contain an enzyme known as malic acid, which is helpful in dissolving coffee, wine, and tea stains on your teeth. Mash up 1-2 strawberries into a paste (add a teaspoon of baking soda to amp it up even further) and rub on your teeth. Leave the strawberry mash on your teeth for about five minutes, then rinse and brush as normal. Flossing is also important to get rid of any strawberry seeds that may get stuck in between your teeth.

While this method does help remove stains, it should not be done too frequently. In fact, over-use of this whitening method will be counterproductive, where your teeth may actually become more susceptible to staining.


DIY teeth whitening

After you eat a banana, don’t be so quick to throw away the peel. The inside of a banana peel is actually rich in nutrients such as potassium, manganese, and magnesium to help whiten teeth. When you rub the inside of the banana peel on your teeth, the beneficial minerals absorb into your enamel and produce healthy, whiter teeth. After brushing and flossing in the morning, simply rub the peel on your teeth for two minutes. Rinse and repeat the same process before bed.


DIY teeth whitening

Tart fruits like oranges cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which naturally cleans your teeth. Additionally, the inside of an orange peel can be used similarly to the inside of a banana peel. The high contents of vitamin C serve as a gentler substitute for harsh teeth whitening products. Rubbing the inside of an orange peel on your teeth helps fight the buildup of tartar and minimizes plaque. Although oranges are a great citrus fruit for teeth whitening, avoid eating any lemons: their high acidity erodes enamel.


DIY teeth whitening

Simply chewing on apples helps scrub your teeth of any leftover food and buildup. Also similar to strawberries, apples contain a high concentration of malic acid as well. An apple a day keeps the dentist away!


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