Sleep Apnea Relief and at Home Treatment

Sleep Apnea Relief

Sleep Apnea Relief and at Home Treatment


Sleep Apnea Relief

Sleep apnea is not just annoying to your partner but might prove to be life-threatening to you. It is usually characterized by an abrupt pause in breathing during sleep. You might gasp for air in the middle of the night, suffer from tiredness during the day or even notice some memory loss. Sleep apnea has led to many fatalities. You might’ve heard in the news that NYC train crashes have happened due to undiagnosed sleep apnea. This particular health problem can lead to traffic accidents, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.

Here are some sleep apnea relief tips you can try at home to alleviate the symptoms. But please, do make sure you see your dentist for a consultation if the symptoms persist.

1. Weight Loss

Sleep Apnea Relief

Please do consider losing some weight or seeing a nutrition expert. Being overweight has such an impact on your sleep apnea.

2. Cut Back on Alcohol, Medication & Cigarettes

Sleep Apnea Relief
Make sure you drink less alcohol. Avoid taking sleeping pills and sedatives. These have muscle relaxant properties and can make your sleep apnea symptoms worse. Also, sleeping pills make it harder to get up in the morning. Cigarettes irritate the upper airway and can make it swell.

3. Go to Bed Sleepy Head!

Sleep Apnea Relief
Try to get more sleep and make sure it’s quality sleep. Sleep apnea does tend to worsen during deep sleep (REM sleep) due to extreme relaxation. Sleep deprivation is the cause of sleep apnea, thus making this a very vicious circle.

4. Sleep Position

Sleep Apnea Relief
The position in which you sleep has such a huge impact on your sleep apnea. The studies have shown that sleep apnea was twice as high in people who sleep on their backs compared to people who sleep on the side.

5. Get Professional Help!

Sleep Apnea Relief
Here at Dental Partners of Fifth Avenue, we pride ourselves on our expertise when it comes to SLEEP APNEA TREATMENT. Make your appointment today for a restful sleep you deserve!

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