8 Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

8 Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

There are so many things about winter that will make you smile, but we have managed to narrow it down to eight. So without further ado…

1. Scenery like this…

There’s really no reason to say more. I mean…look at this winter wonderland gorgeousness happening here. If this doesn’t make you grin with delight, nothing ever will my friend.

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

2. Snowball fights…

Let’s be real if you’re an adult, it is a bit childish. But the fun time and the laughter you’re going to share with your loved ones is totally worth it. So go ahead! Knock yourself out! (Just don’t hurt anyone, please. Thanks.)

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

3. Starbucks menu…

Oh yes, we went there. Is there anything more delicious than the Starbucks winter holiday menu? Caramel Brulée Latte, Brown Sugar Shortbread Latte, Chestnut Praline Latte, Eggnog Latte, Gingerbread Latte… Need we say more?

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

4. Gifting…

Giving gifts and receiving them is a big part of winter holiday joy. It is equal pleasure to give and receive, but the most satisfying thing ever is seeing your loved ones’ face light up as they open the present and say: “You nailed it!”

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

5. Fire pits…

There’s nothing quite like gathering around the fire pit on a cold winter night. Just thinking about it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Oh, how about a cup of hot chocolate and some s’mores for a perfect experience?

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

6. Cozy clothes…

Ahh, the cozy winter clothes. This one’s quite self-explanatory. Knits, knits, knits.

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

7. Snowdrops or Galanthus…

You probably came across these beauties tucked somewhere in the snow while walking in nature. We are going to include them in this list, although you’re going to see them late winter or early spring. Snowdrops usually show up to indicate that winter is gone and warmer days are approaching.

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile

8. This adorable puppy playing in the snow…

Things About Winter That Will Make You Smile


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