These are the Right Swipe Worthy Pics When it Comes to Dating Apps

Right Swipe Worthy Pics

These are the Right Swipe Worthy Pics When it Comes to Dating Apps

Right Swipe Worthy Pics

The dating scene has definitely changed in the past couple of years. Today it’s all about dating apps and getting that right swipe and possibly meeting the love of your life. Unfortunately, your personality does not shine through as much as the right picture. So what are the right swipe worthy pics?

Believe it or not, looking sensual and mysterious are not the appearances that are bringing in the right swipes. The dating app, Hinge did a study researching what kind of pictures are preferred by most. What they found is that for women, smiling with their teeth showing were 76% more likely to receive a like! For men as well goes the same. Where they are 43% more likely to be swiped right if they are smiling in their profile picture.

Beach photos or shirtless selfies are not going to cut it. Don’t even let me start on Snapchat filters. Those are a big no-no in the dating app world. They decrease the chance of getting a swipe by 90%. Since it’s hard to show off your personality through a dating app, smiling can definitely increase the perception of what kind of person you are.The best advice is to be yourself. Show off your beautiful smile and teeth and you’ll get those swipes in no time!

Stop trying to look perfect and achieve professional looking headshots. Trying too hard to look like a model, while pouting your lips at the camera is much less attractive than you think. The dating app OkCupid found that looking too attractive will get you fewer likes and messages. This is especially the case for men. What’s the takeaway? Forget about Photoshop, Snapchat filters, and shirtless selfies. Your smile is the new sexy. Be yourself, look at the camera and just smile!

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