Things That Will Make You Smile This Summer

Things That Will Make You Smile This Summer

Things That Will Make You Smile

Here’s our list of things that will make you smile this summer! (Must add these to your bucket list.)

1. Doing Something Spontaneous

Do something out of your comfort zone. Go ride a roller coaster or get a tattoo or even book that trip to India that you always wanted. Being spontaneous doesn’t have to be stressful, but quite liberating. This summer is the perfect opportunity to do it!

Things That Will Make You Smile


2. Taking a Moment for Yourself

Whether going to the beach alone or taking long walks and doing yoga, taking a moment for yourself will make you much happier than you might think. Yes, summer is all about catching up with your family and friends, but it is also the perfect time to dedicate to your own well being as well. So take up a good read or take morning jogs or even treat yourself to some ice cream!

Things That Will Make You Smile


3. Catching up With Friends and Family

This is maybe my favorite. I can’t wait to see my old high school friends each summer and reminiscence our crazy school memories. Hosting barbeques or going to the beach with the family is what makes my summer so incredible. And what’s better than all of your crazy relatives in one place at the same time? So hit up your old high school friends and visit your family and believe me it will definitely be worth it.

Things That Will Make You Smile


4. Hitting the Beach

This one is a no-brainer. What is summer without going to the beach? Pack up some lunch and dessert and call up your friends or family and head to the beach. There’s nothing better than looking at the waves while you’re listening to your favorite summer hits and soaking up the sun. Also, you have a perfect excuse to wear your new bathing suit!

Things That Will Make You Smile


5. Taking a Road Trip

It doesn’t have to mean that you need to travel all of America to have a road trip. Even traveling to the next town over with your bestie in a rented convertible can be an adventure itself. So rent a vintage convertible, invite your favorite girlfriends and crank up the music!

Things That Will Make You Smile


*All images belong to the owner and are for educational purposes only.

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