Top 10 Dental Memes That Are Way Too Real

Dental Memes

Top 10 Dental Memes That Are Way Too Real

We have searched the Internet to find the best dental memes for you. Now, excuse us while we’re tearing up over these.

1. When you really need a psychiatrist, but a dentist can do too.

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Let’s be honest, all of us are guilty of over sharing to our dentists.

2. This puzzling concept:

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Just pick the one that’s not recommended right?

3. When the acceptance of needing a crown is way too much to handle:

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We are all queens after all.

4. When the acceptance is just too much overall:

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Let’s face it. We were all guilty of trying to convince ourselves of not needing a visit to the dentist. The biggest part of recovery is acceptance after all.

5. This one is way too real for our teenage selves:

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Remember when you were all excited to have your braces off for the first day of high school? Yeah, so do we. But guess what? It never happened!

6. When you desperately try to lie to your dentist:

Dental Memes
We’ve all tried to lie. Twenty years of not flossing is kind of hard to hide right? But let’s face it our dentist sees right through our lies.

7. This perfect summation on how we all feel:

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We wish this was just The Weeknd song, but this one is just too real and probably why we’re all so scared of the dentist.

8. Let’s face it we all feel this way:

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The hard reality: No matter how hard we try to listen to the dentist. We never do.

9. This one is all of us trying to make up for the years of not flossing:

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I’ve probably brushed my teeth like three times before visiting the dentist and flossed and whitened.

10. Finally this hard truth:

Dental Memes
Most of us don’t visit the dentist as often as we should. We just end up postponing it for like the next century.

Disclaimer: All of the images belong to its owner, for entertainment purposes only.

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