Acupressure For Toothaches: Top Pressure Points

Acupressure For Toothache

Acupressure For Toothaches: Top Pressure Points

Although we don’t normally associate acupressure with toothaches, it’s a great remedy to alleviate oral pain and stimulate blood flow. Acupressure provides quick relief to ongoing discomfort and pain if done correctly. Here’s how you can use acupressure for toothaches and pain. 

What Is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a natural pain-relieving remedy that’s been used for over 2,000 years. By applying pressure to certain points in the body, you’ll feel less tension in your muscles and in most cases, pain relief. While acupressure is more commonly used for other parts of the body, it’s been shown to remedy mild to moderate toothaches. If your toothache is crucial or ongoing, and the pain worsens with acupressure, it’s best to see a dentist immediately. 

Cause of Toothaches

One of the most common causes of toothaches are poor oral hygiene and tooth decay. Other causes may be infected gums, grinding teeth, or other health problems that affect your mouth like TMJ. 

Although painkillers and anti-biotics help ease pain, it’s best to try out natural remedies first that do not have any harmful side effects or health risks. 

How Do I Use Acupressure For Toothaches?

Luckily, you can do acupressure in the comfort of your own home and can perform it on yourself. If you’d rather someone else do it to you, a family member or friend can easily perform acupressure on you. Before you begin, find a space in your home that is quiet, relaxing, and away from any distractions. 

Through each exercise, remember to breathe deeply and relax your muscles as best as you can. Apply deep, firm pressure to each point for at least one minute before moving on to the next point. You can do these exercises multiple times a day, or until the pain has subsided. 

The Major Pressure Points: Acupressure For Toothaches

Point SI 18: Cheek Bone Hole

The Cheek Bone Hole point is located on the lower edge of your cheekbone. To find this, locate the part of your face that is straight down from the outer corner of your eye and straight across from the lower edge of your nose. This pressure point alleviates toothaches, jaw swelling, swollen gums, TMJ issues, facial paralysis, and Bell’s palsy.


Point ST 6: Jaw Chariot

The Jaw Chariot Point is located between your upper and lower jaw and is the muscle in front of your earlobe. To find this, try and feel where the two parts of your jaw connect. The Jaw Chariot Point focuses on toothaches, lockjaw, TMJ, cheek swelling, sore throat, and jaw pain. 


Point LI 4: Union Valley

The Union Valley pressure point can be found in the fleshy part between your thumb and index finger. The Union Valley Point eases toothaches, headaches, rhinitis, TMJ, fevers, skin diseases, and eye problems. It’s also known to cure different types of chronic and inflammatory pain. 


Point ST 44: Inner Court

The Inner Court point is located on top of your foot in between your second and third toe where your toes meet your foot. The Inner Court point reduces toothache pain in the upper jaw, facial pain, Bell’s palsy, sore throat, and epistaxis. It also treats gastric pain and digestive disorders. 


Point KD 3: Great Ravine

The Great Ravine is located in the hollow part of your ankle outside of your circular, or talus, bone. To find the Great Ravine, pinch around the inner part of your ankle until you don’t feel your bone. This point alleviates toothaches, swelling of the pharynx, eye problems, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, asthma, irregular menstruation, and lumbar pain. 


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