
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and in recognition we are offering parents and caregivers dental tips for good oral health, and to help instill good dental habits in children. Setting up good habits early is important as ADA statistics show that caries, also...

Halitosis stinks, literally, and sometimes standard methods for dental hygiene just don’t cut it. You use mouth wash, brush, floss, and even use the tongue scraper every day, but you still suffer from bad breath. If this sounds like a problem you are having, then...

For those of you who have a hard time deciding in the toothpaste aisle, or hate most of the ingredients present in most toothpaste’s, did you know that you can effectively make your own toothpaste? Even if you are tight with money and can’t afford...

With the New Year approaching it's time to plan for those 2015 resolutions; most people pick resolutions to lose weight and find better employment, but most people don't think of their teeth. Did you know that you could be wrecking your teeth with everyday habits...

Dental care is important, it's something that should have a place in everybody's daily hygienic rituals, but according to Dr. Sharon Colvin athletes in particular can have some special concerns. Sharon Colvin has been a dentist for almost 30 years, and she believes that it's...

With Thanksgiving coming up I know it can be tempting to gorge yourself with food until you can't eat anymore, well until dessert time rolls around, that's when you suddenly have enough room in your stomach for more food. Not only can this be bad...

It can be difficult to teach the importance of oral health to children. A few lessons now can make a difference in how their healthy habits evolve as they get older. Not to mention, problems with baby teeth can impact permanent teeth, making oral care...

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