
Did you ever want to learn how to keep teeth healthy naturally? If yes, then you're in the right place. Now, let us remind you that any nutrition or lifestyle changes should not substitute your dentist appointments. It is still important to schedule regular check-ups and make...

It's very easy to get sidetracked when it comes to dental health, especially during the holidays. With various holidays just around the corner, we think it's important that you take care of your teeth the right way so that there are no consequences once the...

Fall, an absolute favorite season for many and for a reason too! Fall is just so magical with its colors and crunchiness of the leaves and the smell of homemade apple cider. Find me a one person who doesn't love fall, I dare you. It's...

Halloween is here but honestly…there’s nothing as scary as the cavities can be. As you’re getting into the spirit of Halloween with dressing up and trick-or-treating with your child, it is important to avoid sugar overload. Apart from overall health, this, of course, has an...

Ever dreamed of achieving that beautiful celebrity smile? Well, good news is that it’s not impossible at all! All you need is a proper diet, great daily dental care and a regular visit to the dentist. NUTRITION Although famous people are notorious for dieting to maintain that...

When you’re physically and mentally exhausted, it is easy to fall asleep without brushing your teeth. Or maybe it’s not even that – maybe you’re very dedicated to proper oral care no matter what. But, are you doing it the right way? Are you taking...

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