dental health Tag

Everyone wishes their teeth were just a little bit whiter, but few realize a baking soda teeth whitening rinse does the trick. Here’s all you need to know about at-home baking soda teeth whitening so you can achieve a crisp, white smile.  Before we talk about...

Did your dentist say you need a crown? Porcelain crowns are great for restoring teeth and fixing the overall appearance of decaying, breaking teeth. Here’s all you need to know about the advantages, uses, crowning procedure, and after-care for porcelain crowns.  What Is A Porcelain Crown? A...

Not only does a good mouthwash freshen your breath, but it can also prevent plaque build-up and remove harsh bacteria from your mouth. Knowing which mouthwash is right for you can be tough, as different washes benefit your oral health in different ways. Here are...

70% of Americans brush their teeth two times a day, but only 40% floss once a day. It’s easy to forget about flossing until our 6-month dental check-up, but poor flossing habits can bring on some serious dental issues. How much should we be flossing...

TMJ leaves as many as 3 million Americans in pain every year. Lockjaw, tenderness, and tightness in the jaw and facial muscles are all uncomfortable symptoms of TMJ. Luckily, there are TMJ home treatments to help alleviate the side effects and general pain. The Cause of...

You might be wondering - what is the color of healthy gums? Actually, believe it or not, the color of your gums can tell us a lot about your overall health. We are familiar with the scenario of gums being something that's overlooked until there's...

Are you looking for some great snacks that are going to be, not only tasty but healthy for your teeth as well? You're in the right place because we have put together a list of best food for your teeth. Believe it or not - cheese....

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