dental hygiene Tag

We all know that brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist are very important in order to maintain good oral health. Unfortunately, many Americans are consuming large quantities of big sugary drinks, which can cause some serious dental problems. The proposed ban on the...

If you haven't made the transition from a regular toothbrush yet, now is the time. Clinical tests have shown that both electric and sonic toothbrushes remove plaque and prevent gum disease better than a regular toothbrush. How much better are they, you ask? Let's break...

Twinkies, the magically sweet treat that every kid wants to sink their teeth into. Unfortunately, this pastry turned cult classic, is full of nothing good for you. Have you ever eaten a Twinkie and had your teeth hurt? They're screaming from the onslaught of sugar! The...

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Fluoride-man! He’s faster than a speeding toothbrush, more powerful than gingivitis, able to leap deep cavities in a single bound! Ok, so he may not be the man of steel but Fluoride has made some impressive improvements in our society. The CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, calls fluoridation “One of the most valuable public health measures of the 20th Century”.

2012 is upon us. It brings a fresh start, hope that change is possible and… the “End of the World”. If you haven’t already heard, the Earth, as we know it, is going to cease to exist on December 12, 2012. So, should we all give up our careers, stop flossing and planning our futures? I think not, better safe than sorry.
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