dental hygiene Tag

Beyond affecting your appearance, biting your nails can make you sick and eventually cause infections. With that said, we all know ditching a bad habit is a lot harder than it looks, and we’d like to help you out. Here’s how to stop nail biting...

Did you know chronic mouth breathing can cause gum disease and worsen symptoms of preexisting illnesses? You may breathe through your mouth without thinking twice about it, but this habit comes with its own complications. Here’s how to stop mouth breathing at night.  Causes and Symptoms...

No one likes bad breath. Unfortunately, some of us are prone to it. If you struggle with halitosis or bad breath, there’s still hope! Here’s how to get rid of bad breath using hygienic habits, tools, and food. How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Of course,...

You’ve heard it before — don’t believe everything you read online. From trendy oral care to age-old myths, there’s an array of misinformation surrounding oral hygiene constantly circling the internet. Instead, let’s focus on the dental facts that matter and debunk the common myths and...

Even though it seems we’ve brushed our teeth a thousand times, it can be hard to thoroughly clean each part of our mouths. Here’s how to properly brush your teeth and tips to keep your smile healthy, white and clean.  Common Mistakes Although we brush our teeth...

Although it’s easy for tartar to form, it’s extremely hard to remove on your own. Nowadays, most Americans suffer from periodontal disease caused by hardened plaque and tartar. Stay healthy, safe and clean and remove tartar before it becomes a more serious issue for you...

Even though we regularly brush and take care of our teeth, our gums may become irritated and inflamed. While there are ways to treat gum inflammation, the most important preventative step is to always take care of your teeth every night and every morning. With...

Not only does a good mouthwash freshen your breath, but it can also prevent plaque build-up and remove harsh bacteria from your mouth. Knowing which mouthwash is right for you can be tough, as different washes benefit your oral health in different ways. Here are...

70% of Americans brush their teeth two times a day, but only 40% floss once a day. It’s easy to forget about flossing until our 6-month dental check-up, but poor flossing habits can bring on some serious dental issues. How much should we be flossing...

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