flossing Tag

70% of Americans brush their teeth two times a day, but only 40% floss once a day. It’s easy to forget about flossing until our 6-month dental check-up, but poor flossing habits can bring on some serious dental issues. How much should we be flossing...

Flossing is so important for the health of the mouth, as well as our overall health. Yet somehow – it’s just not done enough. For so many people teeth flossing is at the bottom of their to-do list and one of the many boring tasks...

It’s no surprise that taking good care of your teeth and gums plays a vital role in maintaining good health, for your mouth and your body. Good thing is practicing proper oral care isn’t expensive, and does not take up a lot of time! By...

Your gum line is more important than just having a great smile. It can also be an indicator of the health of your gums. If your gum line is receding it might be telling you that you bit off more than you bargained for. Also...

Did you know that pediatric dental disease, also known as childhood tooth decay, is the #1 chronic childhood illness? If left untreated, kids tooth decay can have devastating long term effects and consequences.  Rampant decay can negatively impact a child's overall quality of life, inhibit their...

If you haven't made the transition from a regular toothbrush yet, now is the time. Clinical tests have shown that both electric and sonic toothbrushes remove plaque and prevent gum disease better than a regular toothbrush. How much better are they, you ask? Let's break...

2012 is upon us. It brings a fresh start, hope that change is possible and… the “End of the World”. If you haven’t already heard, the Earth, as we know it, is going to cease to exist on December 12, 2012. So, should we all give up our careers, stop flossing and planning our futures? I think not, better safe than sorry.
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