Dental Clues: What They Say About Your Health

Dental Health Clues

Dental Clues: What They Say About Your Health

Dental Health Clues

It’s true that your teeth and gums say a lot about the condition of your overall health. There are dental health clues that everyone should look out for because of the mouth-body connection. Your body is connected, and when something is wrong in one area it’s not uncommon for the problem to originate from another area of your body. This is why you should never ignore any issue with your body, no matter how minor it may seem. It may stem from a more serious concern, and as we’ve been told before, prevention is the best medicine. If you notice that you are suffering from the following dental health conditions, it is vital that you make an appointment with your local dentist.

1. Swelling and/or Redness

Signs of a nutritional deficiency can be seen through the mouth. For instance, if your tongue and/or mouth are red and swollen this could be a sign that you have a deficiency in nutrients, especially in vitamin B and iron. In addition, swollen gum tissue can also be a sign of heart disease or periodontal disease. If you are suffering from redness and/or swelling of the mouth, be sure to make an appointment with your dentist.

2. Headaches

While headaches don’t hurt in your mouth, that would be considered a toothache, sometimes headaches can stem from problems with your teeth. If you are experiencing constant headaches and your teeth are flat and wearing down, this could be a sign of teeth grinding. If you find that you are grinding your teeth while you sleep, make an appointment with your dentist to hear suggested remedies.

3. Bleeding Gums

If you have been experiencing bleeding gums, it is important to make an appointment with your dentist so you can get to the heart of the issue. Bleeding gums can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance, which is a very common condition for aging women. Bleeding gums can also be a sign of diabetes or periodontal disease, which is also known as gum disease. If periodontal disease is not addressed quickly, it can lead to other painful dental problems down the road.

4. Cracking Teeth

Crumbling or cracked teeth could be a sign of teeth grinding, an eating disorder, poor nutrition, or it could be from acid reflux, a very common condition. When the stomach acid travels up the esophagus and into your mouth, the acidity of the stomach acid can wear away the enamel coating on your teeth. Cracked teeth are something no one should ignore as it can lead to bigger problems later in life, so it’s important that cracking or crumbling teeth get checked out by a dentist as soon as possible.

5. Dry Mouth

While this may not seem like a big deal, saliva actually helps aid in the fight against gum disease and cavities by washing away debris and bacteria. Suffering from the chronic dry mouth can be a sign of Parkinson’s disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, poor nutrition, diabetes, or it could also be caused by taking certain medications. Your dentist will know if you are not producing enough saliva and can offer you solutions to remedy this condition.

6. Loose Teeth

Having loose teeth, especially when it’s coupled with a receding gum line could be a sign of diabetes, heart problems, or even osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes weakening of the bones and is often seen in post-menopausal women. While osteoporosis does not cause changes in the teeth, it can affect and change the bones that help support the teeth. If you or your dentist sees any oral signs of osteoporosis, be sure to inform your physician.

7. Bad Breath

Having the case of stinky breath is no laughing matter, and should be checked out by a dentist to make sure there isn’t an underlying issue. Having bad breath happens, you can eat or drink something that makes your breath smell, or maybe you just have a case of bad morning breath. However, if you are having this issue and you brush and floss regularly, there could be a problem with your gums, teeth, liver, kidney, or stomach.

Remember, taking care of your mouth is an investment in your overall health, so contact your dentist when an oral health problem arises.

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