dental awareness Tag

You’re getting ready for a big date when you look in the mirror and realize the horror: Your entire mouth showcases your affinity for coffee, sugar, and dental neglect. You go to reach for your teeth whitening pen and begin to wonder...

What is Preventive Dental Care Preventive dental care is key if you want to maintain a clean smile and healthy gums. Additionally, preventive care helps you save time, money and frustration down the road.  How?  Because preventive care ensures you’re practicing good oral hygiene to lessen your chances...

Millennials and oral hygiene somehow don't happen to go hand in hand. According to a New York Post article, Millennials are terrible when it comes to their overall dental health. Somehow, they find it hard to keep their teeth clean. Some can even go two days...

Email marketing is incredibly important to the promoting your dental practice, as well as building loyalty and trust with your patients. In fact, you will risk losing customers if your business does not have a strong online presence. Sending patients a friendly email maintains your...

Having an A-list smile is a tough and expensive task to achieve. However, if you want to achieve this, there is a way to make your teeth appear brighter, without the need for expensive products or procedures. Luckily, if you like to wear lipstick, there’s...

Your teeth play a crucial role in your life. Not only do they impact your appearance, but they also help you talk and chew. Life would be tough without teeth, so you want to ensure you are taking care of your smile. Having a healthy...

The New Year is approaching, and it’s the perfect time to start thinking about your resolutions for 2017. It’s not uncommon for people to choose resolutions that are centered on their appearances and other personal goals, but most people don’t think about their teeth. It’s...

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