18 May Common Dental Problems During Pregnancy
With pregnancy, your life completely changes. Every facet of your life and being is affected in some way, including your teeth. Your oral health is going to change tremendously during pregnancy and you should know exactly what you should expect. Here are some common dental problems during pregnancy:
Pregnancy Gingivitis
You might notice that your gums are red, swollen or bleeding when you brush. This might be the result of progesterone levels in your body or compromised immune system due to pregnancy. The symptoms of gingivitis can start as early as the second month and peak around the eighth, then withdraw after the baby is born. It’s important that during this time you brush twice a day for two minutes at least. Floss and use antimicrobial mouth rinse. There’s an ongoing debate whether to use the rinse with or without alcohol, but it is not really clear if alcohol can affect the baby. Make sure you have a regular check-up with your dentist, who can do the professional cleaning for you as a preventative measure.
Pregnancy Granuloma or Pregnancy Tumor
Pregnancy granuloma is a growth on gums that occurs in 2-10% of pregnant women. It is also called the “pregnancy tumor.” However, don’t let the name scare you – these growths are not actual tumors. They are also not cancerous or dangerous, just a bit annoying. These usually develop in the second trimester as red nodules around the upper gum line. They bleed and can form an ulcer or even crust. These usually go away after the baby is born. If they bother you during pregnancy by interfering with speaking or eating, you might want to consider removing them before giving birth. Pregnancy granulomas tend to be a result of poor oral hygiene, although trauma, hormones, viruses and malformed blood vessels can also be the cause.
Tooth/Enamel Erosion
If you’re vomiting a lot due to “morning sickness,” your teeth might erode as a result. It is important that you brush your teeth right away after you vomit. The acid in your mouth can cause enamel erosion.
Dry Mouth or Excessive Saliva
Many pregnant women complain about the dry mouth or excessive saliva. When it comes to dry mouth, drinking more water, eating sugarless hard candy or chewing gum that contains xylitol can solve the problem. In the case of excessive saliva – this one usually appears with nausea but should go back to normal after the first trimester.