
There’s no doubt that children love Easter, it’s exciting for them to wake up to a colorful Easter basket filled with goodies. However, for parents Easter can be a bit stressful; candy is usually a part of the Easter basket, but the sugar rush that...

Easter is this month and that means family dinners, pretty clothes, colored eggs, and Easter baskets filled with sweet treats. While Easter is a holiday where most people let their children relax a bit in the diet department, they often forgot to remember that too...

We all know that flossing and brushing daily with fluoride toothpaste is essential for a healthy smile. However, while practicing good oral hygiene is necessary for a healthy mouth, properly fueling your body with the nutrients it needs not only affects your overall heath, but...

Valentine’s Day is near, so it’s not uncommon to see chocolates and sweet treats everywhere in the store. Don't let temptation get to you; even if you have a sweet tooth, you can still eat healthy (or healthier). You would be amazed to see, and taste,...

Did you know that folate is not only an important part of your diet, but it can also play a major role in the upkeep and health of your mouth? Maintenance of your teeth and gums shouldn’t start and stop only in the bathroom; it...

For many, brushing their teeth is an ingrained part of their day; it’s like muscle memory, you don’t think about doing it, you just do it. While there is no harm in getting into a routine, it can be easy to slip into bad habits...

For 2016, make one of your New Year resolutions dedicated to improving your dental health, so you can have a brighter and healthier smile! The New Year is an excellent time to create resolutions for improving the health of your mouth and body. It’s easier...

Dentistry may seem boring, but in reality dentists have their own fair share of crazy stories to tell. In fact, dentistry can resemble archaeology in a way; when a patient comes in, and they didn’t brush their teeth beforehand (or haven’t been), you never know...

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