dental care Tag

The New Year is approaching, and it’s the perfect time to start thinking about your resolutions for 2017. It’s not uncommon for people to choose resolutions that are centered on their appearances and other personal goals, but most people don’t think about their teeth. It’s...

The holidays are here, and that means social gatherings, family, food, and don’t forget the mistletoe! However, before you pucker up or say smile, make sure your mouth is looking its best. You don’t want to have bad breath or stained teeth, but who can...

More likely than not, you’ve heard the dental advice, brush, and floss daily in order to keep your smile fresh and healthy. However, your toothbrush alone, while effective, does not reach everywhere in your mouth easily. As dentists, we recommend that you don’t just brush...

While the most common dental problems can develop gradually, it is still a good idea to have a dental first aid kit on hand. If you have children, this is especially true as taking spills and getting bumps and bruises are one of life’s trials....

School is out and summer vacation has begun, and while this is an exciting and joyful time for children, it can be a hectic and stressful time of year for the parents. Summer time can throw off any good parent’s routine, but with some careful...

Do you pay attention to what you eat, but don’t put much thought into what you drink? Many people tend to overlook the beverages that they drink, but you should always be conscious of what you intake daily. While it’s highly difficult to keep your...

In our last article we discussed and offered suggestions on how to better the dental health of your autistic child, but instilling good dental habits is only half the battle. No matter how good you take care of your teeth at home, dental care by...

Having good dental hygiene is a vital component of daily living, however, for many children with autism having good dental habits can be challenging. You want your autistic child to brush their teeth independently, but this is not always so easy. Depending on where a...

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