dental health Tag

Some good news for gum chewers! Turns out that by chewing gum you actually promote good dental hygiene in the same way as flossing and brushing your teeth. Chewing gum has been found to have effects on appetite control, mood, alertness, and cognitive performance, but...

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and in recognition we are offering parents and caregivers dental tips for good oral health, and to help instill good dental habits in children. Setting up good habits early is important as ADA statistics show that caries, also...

With the New Year approaching it's time to plan for those 2015 resolutions; most people pick resolutions to lose weight and find better employment, but most people don't think of their teeth. Did you know that you could be wrecking your teeth with everyday habits...

Dental care is important, it's something that should have a place in everybody's daily hygienic rituals, but according to Dr. Sharon Colvin athletes in particular can have some special concerns. Sharon Colvin has been a dentist for almost 30 years, and she believes that it's...

With Thanksgiving coming up I know it can be tempting to gorge yourself with food until you can't eat anymore, well until dessert time rolls around, that's when you suddenly have enough room in your stomach for more food. Not only can this be bad...

In the 35 years that he practiced dentistry, Dr. Richard Sterling thought he had heard and seen everything - until Sherry Geiger, RDH, approached him with some very interesting observations. She noticed an unusual improvement in the health of her patients' gum tissue, and, as...

According to the London Times, the average person spends six years and ten months eating in his or her 70-year lifetime. In that time what kind of damage are we doing to the health of our teeth? Improving your diet can prevent two of the...

It’s no surprise to anyone that Twitter has become an instantaneous and infectious medium of spreading news, especially when a celebrity is the one sending the tweet. The social media outlet has the power to bring attention to breaking news, noteworthy causes and events, and dental distress. Dental distress? That’s right. LeAnn Rimes, the youngest country singer to ever win a Grammy award, tweeted that she was recovering from undergoing oral surgery. Her followers were curious about her facial pain. Word spread about the cause of her pain: TMJ, which stands for the temporomandibular joint.
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