family dentist Tag

To make any business run smoothly, you need to take into consideration employee morale and make sure that your employees are satisfied with their workplace and coworkers. Otherwise, you are going to spend more time on "making it work in the office," instead of focusing on...

There’s no doubt that children love Easter, it’s exciting for them to wake up to a colorful Easter basket filled with goodies. However, for parents Easter can be a bit stressful; candy is usually a part of the Easter basket, but the sugar rush that...

Easter is this month and that means family dinners, pretty clothes, colored eggs, and Easter baskets filled with sweet treats. While Easter is a holiday where most people let their children relax a bit in the diet department, they often forgot to remember that too...

Valentine’s Day is near, so it’s not uncommon to see chocolates and sweet treats everywhere in the store. Don't let temptation get to you; even if you have a sweet tooth, you can still eat healthy (or healthier). You would be amazed to see, and taste,...

A child’s first lost tooth is an exciting yet scary time, and is considered to be a rite of passage that we all go through. When a child begins to lose their baby teeth, this is a sure sign that they are growing up! In...

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a women’s life, but while this is a joyous experience, it is also one of the busiest times one will experience in their lifetime. There is so much to think about and to plan for, and while many concentrate...

It can be difficult to teach the importance of oral health to children. A few lessons now can make a difference in how their healthy habits evolve as they get older. Not to mention, problems with baby teeth can impact permanent teeth, making oral care...

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