dental awareness Tag

With the New Year approaching it's time to plan for those 2015 resolutions; most people pick resolutions to lose weight and find better employment, but most people don't think of their teeth. Did you know that you could be wrecking your teeth with everyday habits...

Dental care is important, it's something that should have a place in everybody's daily hygienic rituals, but according to Dr. Sharon Colvin athletes in particular can have some special concerns. Sharon Colvin has been a dentist for almost 30 years, and she believes that it's...

According to the National Confectioners Association, Americans spend more than $1.5 billion on Easter candy every year. That gives me a bellyache and a toothache just thinking about it. It is time to make a change. Let’s hop into this Easter with a new incentive:...

According to the London Times, the average person spends six years and ten months eating in his or her 70-year lifetime. In that time what kind of damage are we doing to the health of our teeth? Improving your diet can prevent two of the...

Roses and chocolate: The quintessential Valentines Day duo. Something about those velvety red petals paired with the rich indulgent flavor of heart-shaped confections on your tongue; there is no rival. But wait! If it’s enticing your palette, it may not have your pearly whites’ best...

Do you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? New research shows that regular visits to the dentist may just be what the doctor ordered. In a recent study conducted at Case Western University in Cleveland, OH, 40 people with severe RA symptoms (i.e. fatigue, fever, weight loss,...

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