
Have you noticed that, as the temperatures drop, your teeth may become more susceptible to sensitivity? Particularly in the colder months, many of us wonder how to treat sensitive teeth. While there is plenty to love about the quiet, magical winter months, shooting pains and...

Did you know that about 40 percent of America's population is not currently covered by dental insurance? While the cost of dental care may seem steep, there are measures to take to keep dental costs low and under control. Check out our top tips for...

It's hard to believe that just a few short weeks ago, we were basking in the glory of summer. Now that September is here in full swing, it's time to get back to school and back to the dentist, with these top back to school...

Often, TMJ symptoms like headaches, jaw pain or ear pain are mistaken for something else, and many adults go untreated, suffering in silence from a highly-treatable condition called TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder). Some studies have shown that up to 15 percent of American adults suffer from...

We all remember losing our first tooth as children, proudly presenting our prize to our parents before hiding it under our pillow for the tooth fairy to find. This mythological character is as sacred to children across America as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny....

It's hard not to notice the incredibly bright, white teeth of our favorite celebrity smiles. From actors to musicians to reality TV stars, it seems like a healthy, glowing smile is par for the course for the rich and famous. Achieving a beautiful smile doesn't have...

Emotions run high in the newly-heated debate over the benefits (or lack thereof) of flossing, after an Associated Press reporter noticed that daily flossing had been quietly removed from the United States Dietary Guidelines earlier this year. While studies have not proven flossing to be harmful,...

More likely than not, you’ve heard the dental advice, brush, and floss daily in order to keep your smile fresh and healthy. However, your toothbrush alone, while effective, does not reach everywhere in your mouth easily. As dentists, we recommend that you don’t just brush...

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